Monday, November 15, 2010

Halloween Costume...Barbie in a Box

In September we went to New York City and had an awesome vacation.  While I was there I went to FAO Schwartz and was able to customize my very own Barbie doll, she even came out on a runway for a fashion show.  Since I was creating the doll, I tried to make her look like me, and I even chose an outfit I might wear.

For our Annual costume party this year I wanted to be a little bit more creative (I refuse to buy a store bought costume in a bag).  I had the idea to be a life size Barbie in a box, and make her look like the doll I created in NYC.  After only having a week until our party I needed to move quickly.  Since I tend to be a perfectionist, and my box was having some issues, I realized I just had to deal with it.  

I bought the wardrobe box from U-Haul for about $12, then we cut it open and made a couple reinforcements with extra cardboard.  The piece on the left is going to become the door or the front to the box.

Then I primed the box and found Barbie wrapping paper, and lined the entire inside of the box (took 2 rolls).  I then took my NYC Barbie box to Home Depot to match the outside of the box perfectly the hot pink paint.

For the first time ever I figured out how to take an image into Illustrator and convert it into an SVG file for my Sure Cuts A Lot.  As you can see above the Barbie logo head and the Barbie font logo for the front were cut on SCAL, and backwards so the pink vinyl sticky side would be facing up as well as the Mattel logo (front and back).  I then used Martha Stewart Glitter and made a huge mess ;)  

We then added a clear shrink wrap package to the front, and a black belt for support to hold the box up and above my head, and the Barbie sign was to suppose to hide the black belt.  However, I forgot to make the belt smaller before getting into the box, so the box hung down low and rested on my head. As you will see I had to prop the box up with my arms.
And here is the final product.  I am really glad I did not spend more time making more details since I probably wore the costume for about 10 mins.

Out of my two brothers one really gets into Halloween as well and will get creative, the other one has no desire to dress up.  I really liked Derohn's Jack in the Box costume.  He made it out of paper mache, and even showed up with 40 tacos from Jack in the Box.

Here are some of the girls; Nas was Lucille Ball, Villy in black, was very clever as "static cling" and our very cute pregnant friend Alison was from Juno.  We had a great time!!!


  1. Hello my name is denisea and i would like to know in full detail how you made that because your short messeage dosent really help please contact me at thanks!:)

  2. If you could please post pictures of the other sides so I can find out how to do it better.


  3. hi if you could email more detail i would surely appreciate it

  4. How did you convert the file to "SVG" format
