Monday, December 28, 2009

2 New Puppies

I am so excited that we just got two German Shepherd puppies yesterday.  They are not quite ready for posing, so it's been impossible to get them both in a photo together looking.

Chanel at 11 weeks

Sierra at 11 weeks


  1. Oh my goodness, they are adorable! You will be so glad you got two together. People will tell you otherwise, but trust me it's for the best! :) Oh and my one piece advice, make sure ALL SHOES are safely hidden, put away or put up high! We lost at least 5 pair the first 18 months- the more expensive, the more tempting! LOL! The blog looks great... Can't wait to meet Chanel and Sierra.

  2. Oh congrats on your new babies! Sooooo cute and adorable names! xxD

  3. Awww they are so cute congrates i love them i want them now lol give them to me jkjk hope you have fun with them!!....
